Manuel Gentile

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Transaction Control Language

It’s used for handling the transaction, its commands are COMMIT and ROLLBACK.

What is a transaction in SQL?

A SQL transaction is a set of one or more SQL statements that interact with a database and are essential for maintaining database integrity.

A transaction can be committed or rollbacked (becomes undone) to a database as a single logical unit.

Transactions are used to preserve integrity when multiple operations are executed concurrently or when various users interact concurrently with a database.


It’s used for saving data permanently on database.

Once a transaction has been committed, it’s not possible to restore its previous state.

It only works on DML commands.


Commit Example

Let’s assume table employee is empty.

We are going to insert a single row, then we persist data (commit) and close the session.

Another user opens a new one and selects employee.

The result will be the single row.

SELECT * FROM employee;
-- no records found
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1,'Manuel', Gentile');
-- this user closes the session
-- another user opens the session
SELECT * FROM employee;
-- 1 record found (1,'Manuel', ‘Gentile')


It’s used for reverting data not persisted on database by a transaction.

Once a transaction has been rollbacked, it’s not possible to restore its previous state.

It only works on DML commands.


Rollback Example

Let’s assume table employee is empty.

We are going to insert a single row, then we rollback the transaction data and close the session.

Another user opens a new one and selects employee.

The result will be no records.

SELECT * FROM employee;
-- no records found
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (1,'Manuel', 'Gentile');
-- this user closes the session
-- another user opens the session
SELECT * FROM employee;
-- no records found

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