Manuel Gentile

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Data Manipulation Language

It’s used inserting, updating and deleting data in a DB, so we have INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE.

Before digging into DML commands, let’s introduce the most used statement :

SELECT * FROM <tableName>;

This instruction is used for showing data from a table and could be manipulated as well adding other commands, like :

SELECT * FROM <tableName> WHERE 1=1;
SELECT * FROM <tableName> WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY <columnName>;

SELECT - clause to extract data from table(s)

* (star) - indicates all columns from table(s), otherwise we must specify column(s) we want to extract

FROM - clause to retrieve row(s) from the referenced table(s)

WHERE - clause to filter record(s), it’s optional and could have boolean operators like AND, OR, IN, LIKE, NOT, etc

ORDER BY - clause to order column(s), it’s optional


It’s used for inserting data in a table.

-- you can define only values of chosen columns
INSERT INTO <tableName> (col1,..., colN) VALUES (val1,...,valN);
-- you must define all columns' values
INSERT INTO <tableName> VALUES (val1,...,valN);
-- bulk insert from a table to another one, selecting or not the colums
INSERT INTO <tableName> (<columns>) SELECT <columns> FROM <anotherTableName>;

Insert Example

INSERT INTO employee (ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) VALUES (1,'Manuel','Gentile');
INSERT INTO employee VALUES (2,'John','Doe');
-- Now, let's assume we have a table called people on the DB having different column names, we can perform a query like that


It’s used for modifying data in a table.

UPDATE <tableName> SET <col1> = <val1>,..., <colN> = <valN> WHERE 1=1;

Update Example

UPDATE employee SET LAST_NAME = 'Doee' WHERE ID = 2;


It’s used for removing data from a table.

-- delete all rows
DELETE FROM <tableName>;
-- delete multiple rows
DELETE FROM <tableName> WHERE <col1> = <val1>  ... <operatorN> <colN> = <valN>;

Delete Example

-- This instruction deletes both rows with ID 1 and 2
DELETE FROM employee
WHERE 1 = 1
AND (LAST_NAME = 'Doee' OR FIRST_NAME = 'Manuel');

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